Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Faktor-faktor Pendorong Industrialisasi

2.     Factors - Drivers factor Industrialization

1.     The conditions and the initial structure of the domestic economy
A State which at the beginning of economic development or industrialization own industries of primary or upstream such as iron and steel, cement, petrochemical, and industries of the middle (between the upstream and downstream), such as the capital goods industry (machine) and the means of production relatively kuatakan undergoing a process of industrialization which is faster than countries that have only downstream industries or light.
2.     The size of the domestic market as determined by a combination of the number of population and per capita rate of PN Rill.
Large domestic market, such as Indonesia, with a population of over 200 million people is one of the factors stimulating the growth-kegaiatan economic activities, including industry, because the market is huge ensure economies of scale and efficiency in the production process (assuming that factor- other determining factors support). If the small domestic market, the export is an alternative to the "it to achieve optimal production.
3.     The existence of SDA
There is a tendency that countries rich in natural resources, the level of economic diversification and the growth rate is relatively lower, and that State or terlembat tend not industrialize or process goes relatively slower than poor countries SDA.
4.     Policy Government Strategies
The pattern of industrialization in the State to implement the policy of import substitution and foreign trade policy that is protective (such as Indonesia, especially during the New Order government until the crisis occurs) is different in countries that implement export promotion policies in favor of his industry.


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