Senin, 04 Desember 2017


Letter Style

      1.      Full Block Style
In full block style all the elements of the letter on the page are aligned flush with the left margin. Full black is the easiest format to use and it produces a clean-looking page. It’s also common.
Writing on full block style: business letter usually located on flattened left as letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary a close, signature or as a whole of format letter being in a position flattened left.

Format of full block style :
1.    Kop Letter
2.    Date of preparation of letters
3.    Letter No
4.    Attachment
5.    Case
6.    The letter addressed
7.    A word of solution
8.      -  Introduction letter
   -    Explanation letter
   -    The cover letter
9.    Greetings closing
10.  Name of office
11.  Signature
12.  Name to approach
13.  Copy
14.  Attachment page letter/initials

      2.      Semi-block Style
The semi-block format business letter is a little less formal than the block format letter and slightly more formal than the modified block format letter. It works well in almost all situations and is a good choice if you find yourself on the fence about which format to use.
Semi-block business letters differ from most others in that the first line of each paragraph is indented. Look at the modified semi-block business letter template if you’d like to try another format with indentations. It is the least formal of all the formats shown on this page.
Format of semi-block style :
1.      Kop Letter
2.      Date of preparation of letters
3.      Letter No
4.      Attachment
5.      Case
6.      The letter addressed
7.      A word of solution
8.      -  Introduction letter
   -    Explanation letter
   -    The cover letter
9.    Greetings closing
10.  Name of office
11.  Signature
12.  Name to approach
13.  Copy
14.  Attachment page letter/initials

      3.      Indented Style
Indented style is somewhat more complicated than other popular style of business writing. In indented style, new paragraphs in a piece of writing are indented. That is, they begin about 1.5 centimeters to the right of the left margin. Other parts of a business letter are moved farther to the right half of the page. Indented style is one of the older formats for business writing currently in use, though other formats are becoming more popular. Indented style is format that many of today’s business people were trained to use.

Format of Indented Style :
1.    Kop Letter
2.    Date Letter
3.    Address destination
5.    Case
7.    Content letter
8.    Greetings closing
9.    Name of office
10.  Name to approach
11.  Position
12.  Attachment
13.  Copy
14.  Attachment page letter/initials.

Differences Letter Style

       1.      Full Block Style
The form of a letter whose writing all starts from the left edge. that is to say, from the date, the closing         word to the attachment written at the bottom of the writing starting from the left.
       2.      Semi-Block Style
Actually the same as the shape of a straight letter, the difference lies in the writing of the contents of the letter and every new paragraph indented (go inside). In practice, the letter with this form is widely used by the company.
       3.      Indented Style
The only difference between the semi-block style and indented style is that the semi-block letter's paragraphs are indented one tab stop.


Complex of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jenderal Sudirman St, Central Jakarta 10270
No. Phone (021)9898989

Date                : 27 October 2017
No. Letter       : 03/A/I/2017
Attachment     : I sheet containing the composition of events
Page                : Exibition Balinese Gamelan in the Framework of Education Day   2017
Yth, Rector of Gunadarma University
In Bekasi

We student in the framework of National Education Day on October 2, 2017 will held the award and ceremony to the Office of Ministry of Education Achives National Archives at the Head Office Ministry of National Education Jenderal Sudirman St, Central Jakarta, followed by a perfomance art event.
With regard to the event, we expect participation in art events reffered to by displaying the Balinese Gamelan. Reherseal will be held on Sunday, October 30 2017, at 08.00 pm.
Thus we subunit. The participation of Mr/Madam, we thank.

committee of the National Education framework

Anita  Saraswati